
How do I deal with a coworker who acts “smarter” infront of my boss?

I have two coworkers. One is a straight up difficult person to work with that has caused 3 people to leave. I have zero trust in this person and avoid her as much as possible. She's great at her job, just very negative. My 2nd coworker is very nice. We get along well. Both of my coworkers are in their 50s. I'm in my mid 20s. This 2nd coworker has a learning curve and is actually learning from me. I really like her as a person, but I feel like she always takes my credits by acting smart infront of my boss. I'd teach her something then she would confidently bring it up to my boss like it's her idea. She would act like she's very knowledgeable with the topics that I've taught her. My mean coworker and boss know that this 2nd coworker doesn't really know much. She's just…

I have two coworkers. One is a straight up difficult person to work with that has caused 3 people to leave. I have zero trust in this person and avoid her as much as possible. She's great at her job, just very negative.

My 2nd coworker is very nice. We get along well. Both of my coworkers are in their 50s. I'm in my mid 20s. This 2nd coworker has a learning curve and is actually learning from me. I really like her as a person, but I feel like she always takes my credits by acting smart infront of my boss. I'd teach her something then she would confidently bring it up to my boss like it's her idea. She would act like she's very knowledgeable with the topics that I've taught her. My mean coworker and boss know that this 2nd coworker doesn't really know much. She's just about talks.

Anyway, I'm just annoyed at my 2nd coworker for how she always takes what I teach her and bring it up like it's her new idea to impress my boss. I've been isolating myself from her because I am losing trust in her.

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