
How can I manoeuvre around this ?

I work in an extremely toxic environment, bullying, harassment etc. I’m planning to quit, but I can’t possibly work my 2 week notice as I know my manager would make it hell for me (as they have done before to others) and I cannot talk to HR because they are dependent on this manager to run their service and they will not get rid of them (I know this for sure as I have seen emails from the CEO stating this) so now I just don’t know what to do.

I work in an extremely toxic environment, bullying, harassment etc. I’m planning to quit, but I can’t possibly work my 2 week notice as I know my manager would make it hell for me (as they have done before to others) and I cannot talk to HR because they are dependent on this manager to run their service and they will not get rid of them (I know this for sure as I have seen emails from the CEO stating this) so now I just don’t know what to do.

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