
This is from years ago

My work area hired a new P and VP of operations who had years of experience in the medical device industry, but not relevant experience to what we produced. Over the course of nearly three years morale, productivity, and profitability waned. Policies became black and white with no greyscale to accommodate life and reward systems were phased out. They operated off the “Beatings will continue until morale improves” school of thought. When profits got low enough to where they could not afford the staff we had they cut jobs. The VP had a document named “Culling the herd” that tracked our productivity metrics. Some people found this document in a public folder and brought it up to HR. The guy who found the document got a four day suspension without pay because he was “exploring sensitive files without permission.” The VP was made to apologize to us, and he turned…

My work area hired a new P and VP of operations who had years of experience in the medical device industry, but not relevant experience to what we produced. Over the course of nearly three years morale, productivity, and profitability waned. Policies became black and white with no greyscale to accommodate life and reward systems were phased out. They operated off the “Beatings will continue until morale improves” school of thought.

When profits got low enough to where they could not afford the staff we had they cut jobs. The VP had a document named “Culling the herd” that tracked our productivity metrics. Some people found this document in a public folder and brought it up to HR. The guy who found the document got a four day suspension without pay because he was “exploring sensitive files without permission.”

The VP was made to apologize to us, and he turned the apology into blaming us.

I hope this belongs here.

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