
Boss wants me to come in sick

Boss wants me to come in sick. I’m coughing, sneezing, I have chills and body fatigue. They let me have one day off, but I’m still not feeling good. I was thinking about calling the health department, because I’m a cook and work directly with food. For whatever reason my boss can’t see the risk of having someone with a respiratory infection come in. What do y’all think? Good idea? Bad idea?

Boss wants me to come in sick. I’m coughing, sneezing, I have chills and body fatigue. They let me have one day off, but I’m still not feeling good. I was thinking about calling the health department, because I’m a cook and work directly with food. For whatever reason my boss can’t see the risk of having someone with a respiratory infection come in. What do y’all think? Good idea? Bad idea?

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