
Going to quit my job of 10 years today. So sick of it.

I’ve been with a company for nearly 10 years and this year feels like a good time to quit. I’ve been wanting to quit for the last 3-4 years but stuck around out of fear and circumstances (pandemic). Tired of constantly having to justify my rate as a contractor. I got a massive raise last year but they all thought I was too expensive for my duties provided (they agreed on that rate though) and wouldn’t allow me to work outside the company. They reduced my rate dramatically because of it. Again I’ve been doing other gigs for the last 10 years because I’ve never signed a contract with them and I worked for absolute pennies the first 9 years. The owner got an incredible discount for all the shit I did because I was young and naive. I currently have a second side gig that ends July of 2023…

I’ve been with a company for nearly 10 years and this year feels like a good time to quit. I’ve been wanting to quit for the last 3-4 years but stuck around out of fear and circumstances (pandemic).

Tired of constantly having to justify my rate as a contractor. I got a massive raise last year but they all thought I was too expensive for my duties provided (they agreed on that rate though) and wouldn’t allow me to work outside the company. They reduced my rate dramatically because of it. Again I’ve been doing other gigs for the last 10 years because I’ve never signed a contract with them and I worked for absolute pennies the first 9 years. The owner got an incredible discount for all the shit I did because I was young and naive.

I currently have a second side gig that ends July of 2023 which currently pays more than this one for WAYYY less work so it feels like a good time to quit and find something new in the mean time.

Fuck people who take advantage of you and promise this and that. Literally gave so much to the company only to still be treated like a child with no experience fresh out of high school. I’m 32 with 14+ years experience in my field now, and a nice notable list of clients. Yeah nah, I’m good.

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