
Resignation Notice

I’ve been working at my current job for 3 years. The people here are nice and they do care about you, but for me, I’m just very unhappy here. Im at a desk all day. I play a key role in our IT department and we are working on implementing a new system over the next several months, even through this summer coming up. It’s a lengthy project. I accepted an offer to be an Flight Attendant around a month ago. My training isn’t until January. I’ve been going back and forth in my head about how I should give my notice. I’m really dreading it, and I feel like if they find out what I’m switching to that they will judge me or try to talk me into staying by offering more money. Obviously, I’m taking a big pay cut, at least in the beginning to become an FA.…

I’ve been working at my current job for 3 years. The people here are nice and they do care about you, but for me, I’m just very unhappy here. Im at a desk all day. I play a key role in our IT department and we are working on implementing a new system over the next several months, even through this summer coming up. It’s a lengthy project. I accepted an offer to be an Flight Attendant around a month ago. My training isn’t until January. I’ve been going back and forth in my head about how I should give my notice. I’m really dreading it, and I feel like if they find out what I’m switching to that they will judge me or try to talk me into staying by offering more money. Obviously, I’m taking a big pay cut, at least in the beginning to become an FA. Anyways, I don’t know if it would be better of me now to let them know or if I should only give my two weeks when the time comes. I don’t know if my life would be worse with that amount of time of them knowing I’m going to leave. Any advice is appreciated. I’ve never handed in a resignation before.

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