
Got an insultingly low offer from someone that knows better.

I read the horror stories here every day and feel fortunate that I have not experienced a lot of what I see here. Today though I got a ridiculous offer… I get an email from Indeed on behalf of someone looking to hire me. This company does a lot of contracting work with my current company and I work with them often. As I read the details I notice that they are offering me significantly less than what I currently make. This person is well aware of what someone at my position makes and is looking to hire me so that I can help them get my current company's business, potentially worth millions and all these people care to offer is less than what my starting salary was four years ago. If this had been on the phone I would have laughed, luckily Indeed makes it easy to be polite…

I read the horror stories here every day and feel fortunate that I have not experienced a lot of what I see here. Today though I got a ridiculous offer…

I get an email from Indeed on behalf of someone looking to hire me. This company does a lot of contracting work with my current company and I work with them often. As I read the details I notice that they are offering me significantly less than what I currently make.

This person is well aware of what someone at my position makes and is looking to hire me so that I can help them get my current company's business, potentially worth millions and all these people care to offer is less than what my starting salary was four years ago. If this had been on the phone I would have laughed, luckily Indeed makes it easy to be polite and I just declined to talk to them. The most favorable climate for job seekers in decades and they come at me with that weak shit.

At least my company seems to value me enough to offer me a promotion and a decent raise.

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