
Got a 2 percent raise today

Yep, a whopping 2 percent. I worked non stop through the pandemic while most of their employees stayed home, worked 80+ hour weeks for 6 months straight. During the whole performance review I got nothing but positive feedback. Telling me how great of a job I do, whatever. I save this company literally hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly, I've been here for 5 years and they're just going to slap me in the face like that. I could honestly go in and drop a poop on my bosses desk right now. I'm fucking fuming. But hey, nobody wants to work right? Or is it the fact we are all just tired of being bent over and ripped a new one. 30 years ago, two people had sex and now I work 60 hour weeks just to “get by”. Good old American dream.

Yep, a whopping 2 percent. I worked non stop through the pandemic while most of their employees stayed home, worked 80+ hour weeks for 6 months straight. During the whole performance review I got nothing but positive feedback. Telling me how great of a job I do, whatever. I save this company literally hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly, I've been here for 5 years and they're just going to slap me in the face like that. I could honestly go in and drop a poop on my bosses desk right now. I'm fucking fuming. But hey, nobody wants to work right? Or is it the fact we are all just tired of being bent over and ripped a new one. 30 years ago, two people had sex and now I work 60 hour weeks just to “get by”. Good old American dream.

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