
This is Not an Anti-Voting Post

That said, I have a question. With the proto-fascist Republican government having secured majority support and unveiled bias from the supreme Court, what can opposing politicians do? Right wing justices were able to overturn Roe v Wade during a democratic presidency. They've been able to obstruct due process during the Trump criminal trial even in the face of blatent treason. When they come back for recess they are looking at passing legislation that will allow Republicans to essentially throw opposing votes in the furnace with full legal protection. By all accounts we are looking at a silent coup. Justices serve for life, the people can't elect or depose them, nor can opposing parties. So, if my vote is going to be torched or (best case) elect an official that is unable to take meaningful action, what good will it do to turn out to the polls? It may be pessimistic,…

That said, I have a question. With the proto-fascist Republican government having secured majority support and unveiled bias from the supreme Court, what can opposing politicians do? Right wing justices were able to overturn Roe v Wade during a democratic presidency. They've been able to obstruct due process during the Trump criminal trial even in the face of blatent treason. When they come back for recess they are looking at passing legislation that will allow Republicans to essentially throw opposing votes in the furnace with full legal protection.

By all accounts we are looking at a silent coup. Justices serve for life, the people can't elect or depose them, nor can opposing parties. So, if my vote is going to be torched or (best case) elect an official that is unable to take meaningful action, what good will it do to turn out to the polls? It may be pessimistic, but I can't see how voting is going to prevent the fascists from winning.

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