
Someone help me.

So I’ll try and explain this the best I can. I work in an office currently and am on salary. We have to clock in through the ADP app. The company is telling us now that if we clock in late we will get docked on our pay but we are still capped out at 80hrs each pay period so if I clock in 5 min early each day I won’t get paid for it. Does that make sense? Is there anything legally wrong with this?

So I’ll try and explain this the best I can. I work in an office currently and am on salary. We have to clock in through the ADP app. The company is telling us now that if we clock in late we will get docked on our pay but we are still capped out at 80hrs each pay period so if I clock in 5 min early each day I won’t get paid for it. Does that make sense? Is there anything legally wrong with this?

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