
Boss is a raging B**** After My Notice

I'm really just venting here. So I work as a talent sourcer/campus recruiter for an accounting firm. The job is ok. It's fun to be around the college students, but I hate party planning and admin work. Plus, there's no room for promotion in this role. I can get a 3% raise annually if the partners see fit. Given I have an MBA, I decided to seek out a better position. I landed a DREAM of a job in sales for a company who's mission I actually believe in. I put my two weeks notice in on Monday, thanking my boss for the position and insuring I would stick around for two weeks to help with the transition. The conversation went well enough. Now it's Thursday and this has been the week from hell. My boss is being petty and catty to the extreme. I was talking with employees in…

I'm really just venting here.

So I work as a talent sourcer/campus recruiter for an accounting firm. The job is ok. It's fun to be around the college students, but I hate party planning and admin work. Plus, there's no room for promotion in this role. I can get a 3% raise annually if the partners see fit. Given I have an MBA, I decided to seek out a better position. I landed a DREAM of a job in sales for a company who's mission I actually believe in. I put my two weeks notice in on Monday, thanking my boss for the position and insuring I would stick around for two weeks to help with the transition. The conversation went well enough.

Now it's Thursday and this has been the week from hell. My boss is being petty and catty to the extreme. I was talking with employees in the back about attending a social event sponsored by the firm for college students. We need a good employee turnout for these things to be effective. She saw me talking and basically yells “Oh, so you're not “working” two weeks, you're just going to talk with your friends. Got it.” infront of everyone. Certain projects we agreed to have completed by next Friday are now “incomplete and should have been already taken care of.” I refered a connection on LI to take my position without telling my firm I knew her because I've never met her in person. Turns out my boss is shit talking me to all the new candidates in the interview process.

My boss also called all of our campus contacts to say that I have decided to leave the firm in a bad spot and she needs to pick up the pieces. My campus contacts have become friends of mine, so of course they knew she was exaggerating. Even though my boss and I have had a great relationship this whole time, she is no longer speaking to me in a friendly mannor. She will not look me in the eye, get's straight to the point (not a bad thing) and blames me for all the mess she will have to deal with.

The mess is not me leaving, but how I managed to save recruits that wanted to jump ship after a surprising firing of our best manager this year. Now that I'll be gone, these recruits don't have anyone they feel close to with the firm and we will most likely lose them to our competitors.

I'm so excited for my new opportunity and I honestly just wish she would fire me so I don't have to stick around another week. Has anyone else experienced a Jeckly/Hyde personality from their boss after they put in their notice?

Side note: don't get into talent aquisition for a small firm. Not worth it.

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