
More work doesn’t equal more pay and by the way

I am one level up from our customer service reps. I am not a manager. We are about to embark on the busiest season we've ever had plus, we just merged with another huge company. I ask my manager to review my job description and salary because the job has evolved. The response to this was – this will never happen. She “will never give me a raise” (noting I live in a country try where they give a tiny raise to employees each year. I'm talking 1-2% what I was asking for was an evaluation of my current role because it has changed so much. She told me everything extra we do should be seen as a bridge to something else. I told her I don't believe in unpaid internships just like I don't believe people should do more without being financially recognised for it. When discussing what other…

I am one level up from our customer service reps. I am not a manager. We are about to embark on the busiest season we've ever had plus, we just merged with another huge company.

  1. I ask my manager to review my job description and salary because the job has evolved.
    The response to this was – this will never happen. She “will never give me a raise” (noting I live in a country try where they give a tiny raise to employees each year. I'm talking 1-2% what I was asking for was an evaluation of my current role because it has changed so much. She told me everything extra we do should be seen as a bridge to something else. I told her I don't believe in unpaid internships just like I don't believe people should do more without being financially recognised for it.

  2. When discussing what other locations will be doing to get staff hyped for our busy period it turned out our location isn't doing anything. My manager agreed with me when i told her this is importantfor morale, she doesnt believe its her responsibility as shes not in operations but yet one of two managers for the department (the other is super new to the role). She then eludes to me setting this up. I told her please don't expect me to organise it, it's too much for me (I have told her on numerous occasions that I have anxiety issues and with our busiesg period ever coming up protecting mental health is number one to me). She then tells me she will not back it and if in not willing to organise it then we don't get it. This really hurt.

  3. After indicating issues in our team and company, including how she is not following the strategy planning set by her boss. I was told to stop pointing out all the problems. She tells me this in our monthly checkin after I wrote out all the issues and challenges I'm facing.

  4. Obviously the pay raise won't happen so I asked to work more hours. They granted me 40 hours over a probationary period Feb next year. She gave this to me in our checkin and the stated extending it would depend on how the next meeting goes (point 5). In her tone, stiff, dry, heartless, it sounded like a threat. It felt like everything I could say would be turned against me (this is like her super brilliant power, she will argue you to death).

  5. Less than an hour later, we have a meeting with an external person because of my frequent sick days (never had a sick day until I came on this team). In this meeting my manager tells me how I have to communicate to her when I feel stressed or overwhelmed, so they can help (flash back to point 3)

I don't really know why I'm writing this here. These meetings happened yesterday. I just feel a bit sad…

I also question whether I should leave it and quit silently in the new year or, fight and complain further and quit a bit louder.

Do you take the path of less resistance, even though you know she will continue to treat people horribly (there is so much more than what I have posted above, like so much)? Even though you know people will back you?

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