
Tires are so damn expensive. Or am I working an unlivable wage?

Clipped a front passenger tire on my Ford Edge. Broke college student living with gf family, was kicked out of family home for being 18. Finding the little money for school, food, expenses, hopefully hobbies one day.. anywho this happens last week and I notice while filling up my tires. Well shit! I think to myself. This is going to suck. It sure did! I go a whole ass week after driving 70 consistently cause of NC being set up with only an interstate connection loop in mind. I get to the shop. I know the advice of change in 2’s and 4’s so I do as I must. With my 900 total in the bank I figure it wouldn’t even come close……….. fucking…… two weeks of pay. $507 for two tires and service. Wow. What a great country I live in! Surely I hope to not get sick as…

Clipped a front passenger tire on my Ford Edge. Broke college student living with gf family, was kicked out of family home for being 18. Finding the little money for school, food, expenses, hopefully hobbies one day.. anywho this happens last week and I notice while filling up my tires.

Well shit! I think to myself. This is going to suck. It sure did! I go a whole ass week after driving 70 consistently cause of NC being set up with only an interstate connection loop in mind. I get to the shop. I know the advice of change in 2’s and 4’s so I do as I must. With my 900 total in the bank I figure it wouldn’t even come close……….. fucking…… two weeks of pay. $507 for two tires and service. Wow.

What a great country I live in! Surely I hope to not get sick as my job offers 0 benefits, 0 sick leave, 0 401k, 0 anything just expects LOYALTY above all else.

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