
Ever feel invisible in your job? I win.

Lately I have felt unappreciated and since I brought up a complaint in 2021, almost “persona non grata”. But yesterday confirms I am simply a ghost. I was sitting at a coworkers desk taking a few minutes to breath and chat, while she is typing at her standing desk part. We are laughing and mid conversation when a boss (decent guy)walks in and sits on her desk to talk to her similarly. He was so unaware I was there, he literally sat on the side of my leg. It hurt and I moved it but he didn’t notice and carried on talking to her. He stayed there for several minutes completely unaware he had both cut us off and trapped me in a desk space. We only get a few spare minutes so after a couple I said “excuse me” to get back to my area and he didn’t notice…

Lately I have felt unappreciated and since I brought up a complaint in 2021, almost “persona non grata”. But yesterday confirms I am simply a ghost.

I was sitting at a coworkers desk taking a few minutes to breath and chat, while she is typing at her standing desk part. We are laughing and mid conversation when a boss (decent guy)walks in and sits on her desk to talk to her similarly.

He was so unaware I was there, he literally sat on the side of my leg. It hurt and I moved it but he didn’t notice and carried on talking to her. He stayed there for several minutes completely unaware he had both cut us off and trapped me in a desk space.

We only get a few spare minutes so after a couple I said “excuse me” to get back to my area and he didn’t notice me then and she moved so I could get around.

She is young and new and I’m sure didn’t know how to point out his poor behavior effectively. I emailed him and asked if I had offended him, did I need to talk to him, was there a problem….because you can tell by the ellipses I’m too old for games.

He has been genuinely apologetic since. Which brings me to my point; Not only are my contributions unappreciated, I am literally invisible.

Don’t worry I’ve been working on a resume and mentally processing leaving for a minute now. Wonder if I even have to quit? Maybe I can just see how long it takes them to notice key things are not done and get paid until then:

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