
Update: My company is going to be completely without admin tomorrow

Hi guys! Sorry for the delay. I’ve been enjoying my time at home! So I went into the office Tuesday morning as if I had no idea that they had laid off my coworker. My boss was there and I said “No {coworker} today?“ And she said that she had to let her go. I told her that was unfortunate because had she been informed that the market was slow, she would have gladly given up a few hours. I said “It is a well-known fact in the company that I have no desire to be your assistant. That was {coworker’s} role from the start and I am in NO WAY willing to absorb her responsibilities”. I forgot to point out in my original post that we didn’t share a role, she was the boss’s direct assistant!! I told her that I have not been happy since we went back…

Hi guys! Sorry for the delay. I’ve been enjoying my time at home!

So I went into the office Tuesday morning as if I had no idea that they had laid off my coworker. My boss was there and I said “No {coworker} today?“ And she said that she had to let her go. I told her that was unfortunate because had she been informed that the market was slow, she would have gladly given up a few hours.

I said “It is a well-known fact in the company that I have no desire to be your assistant. That was {coworker’s} role from the start and I am in NO WAY willing to absorb her responsibilities”. I forgot to point out in my original post that we didn’t share a role, she was the boss’s direct assistant!!

I told her that I have not been happy since we went back to the office a month ago and she offered to let me work from home. I told her whether or not she would allow me to work from home is now irrelevant and as of right now, I no longer work for the company. I handed her my key in my company credit card and told her I would be cleaning up my desk and leaving.

She asked if there is any way that I would continue to be able to help out. I told her that I will I would be willing to train someone for 50% more per hour, but billed out as a 1099 employee (Please do not go into how I need to set aside taxes, I already do contract work on the side and I am fully aware of this and take very good care of my finances).

We discussed it for a bit and she handed me back my office key in case I needed any supplies. I told her I would get a hold of the two other employees and discuss details. I have made it very clear that I’m not going to do any of the assistant duties but I will continue to do portions of my old job duties on my own timeline until I don’t want to or they find a replacement.

Needless to say, my other coworkers were shocked! They both said they didn’t tell me because didn’t want bother me with it,etc. I stood firm and told them that they knew I was walking into a mess and they could’ve at least given me a heads up.

They did find somebody who works for the company in some capacity who might be able to take on some of my duties, and I am friendly enough with her to be fine with training her for pay. I did tell her straight out what they were paying me per hour and to not do it less than that!

So now it’s raining, I’m curled up with a book and a cup of tea on my couch. I start my dream job in two weeks! They also cashed out 38 hours of vacation for me.

original post

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