
Sorry, I know this is a weird place to post this, but I need a screenshot of what an online positive COVID test result from Kaiser Permanente looks like. I’ve got the flu and no sick time and my employer doesn’t give two shits about its employees.

Sorry, I know this is a weird post for this sub but ILPt hasn't helped and if anyone I figured y'all might be sympathetic to what I'm dealing with right now. If anyone can recommend another place for me to ask this, I'd appreciate it. I came down with the flu but all my sick time for the year's been used up. I've just about hit my limit for late points this year as well. (Things've been rough with family medical issues.) I feel really skeezy asking for help faking a positive hospital COVID test but I'd feel worse coming in and making my coworkers sick with this lung-buttery bullshit. I work for a shitty warehouse and they'd let me work with the flu, they've looked over sick employees so many times. (I'm pretty sure some of the shit I've come down with over the year is a direct result…

Sorry, I know this is a weird post for this sub but ILPt hasn't helped and if anyone I figured y'all might be sympathetic to what I'm dealing with right now. If anyone can recommend another place for me to ask this, I'd appreciate it.

I came down with the flu but all my sick time for the year's been used up. I've just about hit my limit for late points this year as well. (Things've been rough with family medical issues.)

I feel really skeezy asking for help faking a positive hospital COVID test but I'd feel worse coming in and making my coworkers sick with this lung-buttery bullshit. I work for a shitty warehouse and they'd let me work with the flu, they've looked over sick employees so many times. (I'm pretty sure some of the shit I've come down with over the year is a direct result of that tbh.) If I tried to slog through this in a dusty warehouse I'd end up with bronchitis, again, and I'll just be in the same boat I am now but worse. I always get bronchitis if I don't take it easy with the flu.

So I can't come in like this and the warehouse I work for goes through employees like tissue paper–I've got no time and no points and I've got one option left if I don't wanna get let go.

I already got myself tested for COVID at Kaiser, and it was negative. I can doctor it, but if they have screenshots from other people with positive COVID tests from Kaiser and they cross-reference mine against theirs… look, I need a screenshot of what a positive COVID test from Kaiser Permanente looks like (with all the identifying information crossed out / blurred out / etc.,) so I don't get myself into legal trouble.

I'm desperate here.

If anyone has one I can use to reference so my doctoring looks legit, I really, really freakin' need it. We've got bills and we've gone through our savings and the household can't afford for me to be out of work. Please, please help if you can.

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