
6 month review/deception

Hey all, So just needed a vent/see if anyone else has been duped like me by a smaller business or startup. I started working for a startup 6 months ago as their operations manager. Now, I’ve got lots of experience in my field and have no problems getting paid a very good salary (England) with benefits. I started with these guys as I liked the idea of working for a smaller company and watching them grow, which in turn, would enable me to earn some bonuses and maybe have some time off too. I agreed to work for minimum wage for 6 months (with the promise a substantial rise after 6 months) just to see where it went and see what happens when you don’t judge a company all on the money that’s being offered. BIG.FUCKING.MISTAKE. Not only has this been the most depressing 6 months of my life, the…

Hey all,

So just needed a vent/see if anyone else has been duped like me by a smaller business or startup.

I started working for a startup 6 months ago as their operations manager.
Now, I’ve got lots of experience in my field and have no problems getting paid a very good salary (England) with benefits.
I started with these guys as I liked the idea of working for a smaller company and watching them grow, which in turn, would enable me to earn some bonuses and maybe have some time off too.

I agreed to work for minimum wage for 6 months (with the promise a substantial rise after 6 months) just to see where it went and see what happens when you don’t judge a company all on the money that’s being offered.

Not only has this been the most depressing 6 months of my life, the guy who runs it is essentially a mini Hitler with the communication skills of a dead body.
It was time to do the 6 month review last week and all indications had shown, the rise was coming. Last week it was talked about and he basically said it’s definitely coming.

On the “Review” it basically turned into a review of my performance and how I haven’t been up to his standard (this after 6 months and everything was fine last week) and it ended with him saying the company doesn’t have the money to pay me ANYTHING else right now.
Additionally, they want me to join a zoom call outside my working hours to teach a new guy some things.

He’s basically had my skillset at a huge discount for 6 months and now it’s time to pay the bill, he doesn’t want to.
Goes without saying I have interviews booked for next week and my notice has already been handed in.
Which he was surprised by, that really shows his lack of financial awareness for me.

The lesson learned for me here, is no matter the business size, if they are a startup or how nice and enticing the people seem at first, DO NOT ALLOW yourself to be taken advantage of financially.

If they can’t run a business and pay skilled people what the market dictates, they shouldn’t be in business.
Don’t give them a inch, because they will take a mile, every time.

I’ve learned the hard way, they don’t give a fuck about you at all and will do anything to scrabble more wealth away for themselves at the cost of you.

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