To add some context, I came to work at my current job to get my externship hours for college. I made this clear to them before starting, as they would need to sign some paperwork for documentation reasons. I intended to stay for at least a year, but the work conditions are poor.
Up until now, I had been barely acknowledged by the general manager, and when I was, she would be disrespectful to me. The last two times I tried to talk to her, she said, “Why are you bothering me when you can see that I'm busy.” To which I told her to watch her tone.
At my job, my position is high-stress, and I'm their only store opener. There are only two others who know how to perform my duties. They are by no means a small or local business. They are understaffed and dependent on me, and I have tried to adjust AND reduce my schedule to help my mental health, to which I was told, “ohhh…I could do that..but then your coworker will only have 1 day off.”
My driving reason for quitting was not the lack of benefits, micromanaging, or their issues with me clocking out at my end time. It was when I broke down at work. I told all three managers working that day that I couldn't finish my shift, and the general manager kept pushing to know why. Unfortunately, I was in the middle of breaking down when I told them about needing to go home, so I couldn't answer. No one stepped in to help except one manager, who has since quit.
Fast forward to yesterday, I put in my two weeks notice. The assistant manager I told said “no,” told me she knew I would do this, and didn't even let me finish my sentence before she walked off to go discuss it with the supervisor. A few hours go by, and the supervisor kept pushing for a reason why I was quitting. When I didn't answer, he asked if it was my decision or my school's decision. I still didn't answer, so he asked for me to pleaaaase stay for one more month because I'm so highly valued, they admire my work, I get along so well with everyone, and my position is one that's hard to find people for.
Honest to God, I wouldn't even be considering this if the assistant manager hadn't told me that you're apparently supposed to stay until after the holidays? And I feel a little bad for the coworkers that are staying, who are all great. It's just the management and the company that's shitty. I already have a job lined up, but I can stay until Thanksgiving, even though the end of my two weeks would be some days before that.
Tldr: Management has treated me poorly as a personal and a worker, so I put in my two weeks notice. They asked me to stay for 1 more month because I'm supposed to stay til after the holidays, and I feel bad for my co workers who will have to fill in my empty spot.
Edit 1: Edited to add tldr