
Please stop idealizing sex work

This sub has a huge issue with idealizing sex work to the point of ridiculousness. Let me explain some things to you. Sex work is not an easy industry. It is exploitative and violent. The vast majority of sex workers want to leave the industry. Most started when they were underage. Most come from low socio-economic status backgrounds. A significant number are human trafficking victims. Exact statistics about this can be found through organizations like Nordic Model Now, and TraffickingHub. Sex work is more dehumanizing than other kinds of labor. I was used as a child to create childhood sexual abuse matrial. Additionally, for my job, I interact with human trafficking victims, and refugees fleeing the sex trade. Being brutally raped daily, threatened, beaten, spat upon, ect. is much worse than working a minimum wage job. I've done both. There is no comparison. Yes, there are some sex workers who…

This sub has a huge issue with idealizing sex work to the point of ridiculousness. Let me explain some things to you.

  • Sex work is not an easy industry. It is exploitative and violent. The vast majority of sex workers want to leave the industry. Most started when they were underage. Most come from low socio-economic status backgrounds. A significant number are human trafficking victims. Exact statistics about this can be found through organizations like Nordic Model Now, and TraffickingHub.
  • Sex work is more dehumanizing than other kinds of labor. I was used as a child to create childhood sexual abuse matrial. Additionally, for my job, I interact with human trafficking victims, and refugees fleeing the sex trade. Being brutally raped daily, threatened, beaten, spat upon, ect. is much worse than working a minimum wage job. I've done both. There is no comparison. Yes, there are some sex workers who aren't trafficked. But even for them, the job isn't a cake walk.
  • If you're anti-work, you understand that capitalism is a system of coercion that forces people to tolerate the intolerable, and negates the idea of free choice. This does not stop being true because the work in question is sex work. If you believe that McDonald's workers aren't “freely choosing” to work at McDonald's you cannot possibly believe that a sex worker “freely chooses” to do sex work. But people talk as if capitalism negates consent in every industry except the sex industry.
  • Writing posts about how easy sex work is compared to other jobs is incredibly tone-deaf. Sex work isn't just showing up and having orgasms. Even if sex workers aren't trafficked, the job is still hard and dangerous.
  • If you are anti-work and sex work is work, then you should be anti-sex work.

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