
Help, how do I talk to my boss about this?

I've been doing double duty at my job because my bosses are dragging their feet on hiring an extra person. They claim they are working on it but I don't believe them though they did give me a raise. I have talked with my main boss to ask for a hard deadline as to when an extra employee will be hired because I am stretched too thin and cannot keep splitting my focus like this. Her response: “I know, I know.” And that was the end of the convo. Literally she gave no reassurance that she'll talk with the other bosses about getting a move on or anything like that. I applied to a couple of other jobs today. I'd prefer to not have to change jobs honestly but I don't know what else to do at this point. My current job also provides no benefits or insurance. So that…

I've been doing double duty at my job because my bosses are dragging their feet on hiring an extra person. They claim they are working on it but I don't believe them though they did give me a raise. I have talked with my main boss to ask for a hard deadline as to when an extra employee will be hired because I am stretched too thin and cannot keep splitting my focus like this.

Her response: “I know, I know.”

And that was the end of the convo. Literally she gave no reassurance that she'll talk with the other bosses about getting a move on or anything like that. I applied to a couple of other jobs today. I'd prefer to not have to change jobs honestly but I don't know what else to do at this point. My current job also provides no benefits or insurance. So that fact has also been eating away at my patience. I'm not sure if it is even worth it to try to have another conversation with my boss. Please give me any advice you guys have.

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