
Warehouses are modern day prisons

I have been working at warehouses for 3 1/2 years now. I have been working at my current warehouse since sepetember 2020. When I first started working it was a lot more laid back in terms of having flexibility while taking lunch or taking breaks. Recently there was a shift of management and things have gone south. We can not go out for lunch anymore( have to bring lunch), new cameras have been setup throughout the warehouse. This warehouse is starting to feel like a prison and management threatens us all the time that they can see everything we do. I am not made for this shit. I'm tired of being treated like a robot/ child. It's ridiculous. I will start looking for something else since I do not like working in a warehouse. Ohhh btw I can work up to 70 hours a week.

I have been working at warehouses for 3 1/2 years now. I have been working at my current warehouse since sepetember 2020. When I first started working it was a lot more laid back in terms of having flexibility while taking lunch or taking breaks. Recently there was a shift of management and things have gone south. We can not go out for lunch anymore( have to bring lunch), new cameras have been setup throughout the warehouse. This warehouse is starting to feel like a prison and management threatens us all the time that they can see everything we do. I am not made for this shit. I'm tired of being treated like a robot/ child. It's ridiculous. I will start looking for something else since I do not like working in a warehouse. Ohhh btw I can work up to 70 hours a week.

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