
Got paid less than apprentice, will quit this week.

So I got a new job last week and am just waiting for my contract to finally quit this shitshow of an office. The bosses are good for nothing and don't know their own field, regularly disgard rules and cheat, the pay is shit (like I am bottom in every salary calculator when looking at age, years worked etc.) and now I heard from a co-worker that I earn less than the apprentice who just finished and has 4 years less experience than me. Like wtf is wrong with these kinds of bosses??? Same boss just ranted about inflation and how it's all a hoax while having a mansion by the fucking lake! The new place grants me around 500.- more per month, gives a fixed bonus and even gives you an Ipad to work with for free! So looking forward to quit!

So I got a new job last week and am just waiting for my contract to finally quit this shitshow of an office. The bosses are good for nothing and don't know their own field, regularly disgard rules and cheat, the pay is shit (like I am bottom in every salary calculator when looking at age, years worked etc.) and now I heard from a co-worker that I earn less than the apprentice who just finished and has 4 years less experience than me. Like wtf is wrong with these kinds of bosses??? Same boss just ranted about inflation and how it's all a hoax while having a mansion by the fucking lake! The new place grants me around 500.- more per month, gives a fixed bonus and even gives you an Ipad to work with for free! So looking forward to quit!

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