
Is this a bad work environment?

So I started a new job in June and it was fine at first. I started remotely and did online courses for my training (small accounting firm – like 6 people tota). After a couple of months working in person now, I’ve noticed a couple of red flags: 1) aside from the partner, no staff have been here over 1 year. 2) an old manager left before I started when they requested to work remotely and the request was denied. (I overheard on a phone call that I probably was not supposed to hear). 3) another manager left for reason I’m not aware of before I started (was there when I interviewed). 4) after getting more work handed to me, it became evident we are severely understaffed. 5) partner gets annoyed when I leave at 5:30. I get there at 8:30 and other office people arrive around 10. (I’m newly…

So I started a new job in June and it was fine at first. I started remotely and did online courses for my training (small accounting firm – like 6 people tota). After a couple of months working in person now, I’ve noticed a couple of red flags:

1) aside from the partner, no staff have been here over 1 year.

2) an old manager left before I started when they requested to work remotely and the request was denied. (I overheard on a phone call that I probably was not supposed to hear).

3) another manager left for reason I’m not aware of before I started (was there when I interviewed).

4) after getting more work handed to me, it became evident we are severely understaffed.

5) partner gets annoyed when I leave at 5:30. I get there at 8:30 and other office people arrive around 10. (I’m newly married and want to spend time with my wife in the evenings)

6) partner expects us to work weekends to meet deadlines. I get that this is kinda expected, but it’s more I have to be on standby incase of any questions while they’re reviewing. I just wish they’d review more timely.

7) overheard a conversation the partner had with a client last week in which she was talking poorly about the one other manager we have.

I have to put up with this job at least until the end of the year to keep my bonus, but I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on if I’m just being sensitive or if this is actually a bad place to work (2nd job, great boss at first job). I feel like everyone is so busy that moods are poor and there’s no time for me to be taught stuff, then frustration grows when I make mistakes. This job pays higher, but I’m worried leaving in less than a year will look bad in trying to find a new job, especially if the partner is going to bad mouth me when asked for a reference.

Thank you for listening to my rant

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