
What are they trying to do? Why They Fired my help saying the economy but then hires new people in other departments?

So a little back story. I work at a automotive group with 4 dealerships. For the past year and a half I have been running the multimedia department. Late last year after the IT guy left they put that responsibility on me as well. Early this year they added even more responsibility to me. I was struggling to keep up so I asked if could get an extra person to help me on the photo side of things which they agreed to. I hired a guy who was doing great. Well last month I was written up for missing two IT emails when I was super busy preparing for an installation of a new phone system. Someone got to them before for I could. Well the day I was written up my girlfriend stopped by to bring me lunch and hanged out in my private office for about 15 minutes…

So a little back story. I work at a automotive group with 4 dealerships. For the past year and a half I have been running the multimedia department. Late last year after the IT guy left they put that responsibility on me as well.
Early this year they added even more responsibility to me.
I was struggling to keep up so I asked if could get an extra person to help me on the photo side of things which they agreed to. I hired a guy who was doing great. Well last month I was written up for missing two IT emails when I was super busy preparing for an installation of a new phone system. Someone got to them before for I could. Well the day I was written up my girlfriend stopped by to bring me lunch and hanged out in my private office for about 15 minutes while I was on lunch, waiting for her sister to drop off her car for service. They added that to the write up. Ever since then they have been breathing down my neck. They said I was on my phone too much as I use it to reply to IT emails as fast as I can so I don't miss anything. Well fast forward to yesterday they fired the guy that was helping me, with out telling me before hand, saying it was a management decision and then saying it was because of the economy. But this morning they had me set up about 15 new hires in a different department. I don't know what they trying to do. My girlfriend thinks they are trying to make me quit or something. Any ideas?

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