
bad job post

Working a shit pizza job , and our manager got a promotion. So we get a new manager, She's a 20 something brainless blonde and I don't mean that she was actually blonde because she dyed her hair. She comes to the store and starts putting her foot down” you can't wear brown belts”. okay that's company policy we'll follow that, The next day she shows up in a white belt…. You must show up to work in uniform I don't want you wasting time on the clock, The same week she rolls in clocks in and then runs into the bathroom to change. She for some reason blurts out “someone with a dick go clean the restroom it's disgusting” . she also has her boyfriend sitting in the fucking lobby all day, talking about pranks he's pulled on people that would honestly get you sent to jail. At this…

Working a shit pizza job , and our manager got a promotion. So we get a new manager, She's a 20 something brainless blonde and I don't mean that she was actually blonde because she dyed her hair.

She comes to the store and starts putting her foot down” you can't wear brown belts”. okay that's company policy we'll follow that, The next day she shows up in a white belt…. You must show up to work in uniform I don't want you wasting time on the clock, The same week she rolls in clocks in and then runs into the bathroom to change. She for some reason blurts out “someone with a dick go clean the restroom it's disgusting” . she also has her boyfriend sitting in the fucking lobby all day, talking about pranks he's pulled on people that would honestly get you sent to jail.

At this point I had was fed up with her. Store revenue was down we were getting told to buckle down because we were going to have to do more work. then when it comes time that I have to pay my rent she decides she's not going to pick up the paychecks that day from the main office she doesn't want to drive all the way to the main office to pick them up…

At this point I quit I drove all the way to the main office to go pick up my paycheck and I quit. She gets told that I showed up there rolls in nonchalantly grabs the checks and tries to withhold it from me so that she could try to fire me in some kind of domination thing. I told her if she doesn't hand me my paycheck right now That's withholding my paycheck illegally. She instantly hands over the paycheck and then she tries to berate me and tell me that “it's not working out, you're fired” you literally can't fire me I already quit.

Fast forward to 2 weeks later I get a call from my old coworker. The dumb fake blonde walked out on a shift put her keys on the counter and told the person on shift she's not coming back. She was the store manager she walked out on a shift , then 3 months later I find out she still works for the company. She's been delivering pizza at a different store because she couldn't make ends meet. I also found out she had been ” blowing” one of the main owners of the company. This world is freaking dumb.

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