
When your boss is so tone deaf that he thinks he’s doing us a favor…

Everyone and their mother has had a tone deaf boss. When they're so oblivious to how what they're doing/saying actually lands with their employees that you can hardly believe anyone could be so obtuse. So I'm at work the other day, shit talking with my favorite coworker as usual, when he tells me “I overheard BossMan talking about how he's thinking of giving us off for the day after Thanksgiving this year, that'd be cool.” I agree with him, it sure would be, but I doubt it because they're pretty stingy with the holidays they do give, and I have literally been told by BossMan that the owner complains about paying us on any holidays at all. But, much to my surprise later that day we receive a company wide email saying we have both Thanksgiving day AND the day after off! Sweet! But, wait, huh? “…you will be off…

Everyone and their mother has had a tone deaf boss. When they're so oblivious to how what they're doing/saying actually lands with their employees that you can hardly believe anyone could be so obtuse.

So I'm at work the other day, shit talking with my favorite coworker as usual, when he tells me “I overheard BossMan talking about how he's thinking of giving us off for the day after Thanksgiving this year, that'd be cool.” I agree with him, it sure would be, but I doubt it because they're pretty stingy with the holidays they do give, and I have literally been told by BossMan that the owner complains about paying us on any holidays at all.

But, much to my surprise later that day we receive a company wide email saying we have both Thanksgiving day AND the day after off! Sweet! But, wait, huh?

“…you will be off on Thanksgiving and receive holiday pay as usual. The office will also be closed on Black Friday as well, but you WILL NOT be paid for it as a holiday.”

You see, this is not a “Appreciate what you guys do! Here's an extra holiday!” thing. This is a “Well last year this day was really slow because all of our customers are closed, so let's save on labor costs by making everyone stay home without pay!! We're geniuses!!” kind of thing. So all of us have very little notice to make changes in our budget now that we're all losing a full shift of pay without any choice in the matter, and they're all patting themselves on the back and acting like they're doing us a favor.

Like yeah cool to having the day off I guess, but honestly if I had a choice in the matter I probably would've just worked because, as it is for most people right now, money is tight and that one day of pay makes a difference.

So, tell me your tone deaf boss stories people! I know I can't be alone in this!

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