
Is this a seat occupancy tracker??? If so, I’m shocked my employer installed it.

Without giving too many details away, I started noticing my Dell laptop making a disconnect sound when I left my chair. I am not touching the desk, any cable, have checked all connections, and am on a cement slab, so I'm not moving the computer at all. I tried kneeling with the same motion after moving the chair – no sound. I tried a coworker's chair – no sound. This was my personal chair which was a very nice gaming chair (about 7 years old), so I would be appalled if this was tampered with. I've asked two IT experts, and one doesn't know and the other seems to think an occupancy tracker. What are your thoughts? Am I paranoid?

Without giving too many details away, I started noticing my Dell laptop making a disconnect sound when I left my chair. I am not touching the desk, any cable, have checked all connections, and am on a cement slab, so I'm not moving the computer at all. I tried kneeling with the same motion after moving the chair – no sound. I tried a coworker's chair – no sound. This was my personal chair which was a very nice gaming chair (about 7 years old), so I would be appalled if this was tampered with. I've asked two IT experts, and one doesn't know and the other seems to think an occupancy tracker. What are your thoughts? Am I paranoid?

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