
We get it. You don’t agree with Biden that the majority of remote workers should go back to the office.

Fair points. But these posts are beating a dead horse and doing damage to the democratic agenda as a whole. “yEaH wElL bIdEn Is JuSt As BaD bCuZ hE oNcE sAiD mEtRoPoLiTaN sErViCe BuSiNeSsEs ArE sUfFeRiNg!” Okay commerade. We get the message. You like working from home and want many others to have that freedom to continue to work from home. It suits you and many others. You don’t have to deal with jaggoff middle management peeking in your cubicle. It saves commute and wardrobe costs. These and many other fine points. But Biden is not your friggin enemy. People who actually are your political enemies are weaponizing this one line from the state of the union, which is being twisted out of context by the way, to drive a wedge between workers and the only party that even remotely gives a damn about workers rights. This isn’t dankmemes. Stop…

Fair points. But these posts are beating a dead horse and doing damage to the democratic agenda as a whole.

“yEaH wElL bIdEn Is JuSt As BaD bCuZ hE oNcE sAiD mEtRoPoLiTaN sErViCe BuSiNeSsEs ArE sUfFeRiNg!” Okay commerade. We get the message. You like working from home and want many others to have that freedom to continue to work from home. It suits you and many others. You don’t have to deal with jaggoff middle management peeking in your cubicle. It saves commute and wardrobe costs. These and many other fine points.

But Biden is not your friggin enemy. People who actually are your political enemies are weaponizing this one line from the state of the union, which is being twisted out of context by the way, to drive a wedge between workers and the only party that even remotely gives a damn about workers rights.

This isn’t dankmemes. Stop reposting the same hurr hurr garbage take. We get it that you disagree.

Meanwhile 90% of the workforce that cannot for logistical reasons work from home are just rolling our eyes at these posts.

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