
Is it ok for my boss to not pay my float day?

My last day at my work will be Friday, Nov 11. The last two years, everyone who worked on that day was getting a 'float day'. So a day you can use any time during the year, paid. I talked to my manager today and they said they won't pay me a float day as I'm leaving. I work in a medical clinic in Ontario, are they allowed to do this? I would really like an extra day paid but if they don't have, it sucks, but I would understand. I'm adding that November 11 is the only float day we have all year.

My last day at my work will be Friday, Nov 11.
The last two years, everyone who worked on that day was getting a 'float day'. So a day you can use any time during the year, paid.
I talked to my manager today and they said they won't pay me a float day as I'm leaving.
I work in a medical clinic in Ontario, are they allowed to do this? I would really like an extra day paid but if they don't have, it sucks, but I would understand.

I'm adding that November 11 is the only float day we have all year.

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