
Fired during 2 week notice

My fiancée was working over an hour from home, at a job that wasn’t treating her well at all. I convinced her to put in her 2 weeks notice while we looked for something closer/ more manageable. She put in her notice, and the first 3 days were fine, but on the fourth, she was feeling ill, asked a manager if she could leave early, and did. Later that night, she missed a call from her boss, who left a message explaining that they are well off for the rest of the week, and that it is unnecessary for her to return. Meanwhile, she still had items in her locker and coworkers she wanted to say goodbye to. He was very rude, and didn’t even mention anything remotely similar to “it’s been nice working with you”. Although this was just a disgusting voicemail to listen to, my main concern with…

My fiancée was working over an hour from home, at a job that wasn’t treating her well at all. I convinced her to put in her 2 weeks notice while we looked for something closer/ more manageable.

She put in her notice, and the first 3 days were fine, but on the fourth, she was feeling ill, asked a manager if she could leave early, and did.

Later that night, she missed a call from her boss, who left a message explaining that they are well off for the rest of the week, and that it is unnecessary for her to return. Meanwhile, she still had items in her locker and coworkers she wanted to say goodbye to.

He was very rude, and didn’t even mention anything remotely similar to “it’s been nice working with you”. Although this was just a disgusting voicemail to listen to, my main concern with this is that it doesn’t seem legal/fair. They had agreed on an end date, and from what I can tell, she was fired for no reason. She was the one that initiated the departure, it’s not as if she was asked to leave before this.

Since then, her last pay check returned without her (THREE)vacation days paid out.

I also feel the need to explain that they have ALWAYS been bad to her. They expect much more than a normal workload, and they have no concept of normal shift hours. They expect work to be done off of the clock and for sporadic workflow changes last minute. There was evidence of workplace cheating (between the owner and a former employee), as well as constant yelling, cursing, audio recording in the break room, and much more.

Is an unexplained termination even allowed? Should she be compensated some way?

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