
Boss accidentally sent me a message gossiping about me to myself when she clearly intended it to go to someone else.

For context, the person who sent me the text is my manager, she doesn't work in my office all the time and only checks in rarely. I have to commute for work, and the traffic and parking has caused me to be late a few times. Mind you I leave at the same time every day and there's been a few days where the traffic was especially bad and so I was a few minutes late, I would let my supervisor know every time and I fully take responsibility for the times I've been late- no excuses, I get it. My supervisor is the one who is always working with us in the office. We are a tiny office of 3 people, and I'm a pretty new employee. My supervisor has been late, and straight up left at the her shift because she has some sort of anxiety/ emotional issues…

For context, the person who sent me the text is my manager, she doesn't work in my office all the time and only checks in rarely. I have to commute for work, and the traffic and parking has caused me to be late a few times. Mind you I leave at the same time every day and there's been a few days where the traffic was especially bad and so I was a few minutes late, I would let my supervisor know every time and I fully take responsibility for the times I've been late- no excuses, I get it. My supervisor is the one who is always working with us in the office. We are a tiny office of 3 people, and I'm a pretty new employee. My supervisor has been late, and straight up left at the her shift because she has some sort of anxiety/ emotional issues right now, so like for example one time me and my coworker arrived at work, and she was crying hysterically and said, ” I can't be here I have to go” and just ditched us. Next day she said her and her bf were arguing. I understand we're all human, however situations like this have happened multiple times and I've only been there for a few months. It's really uncomfortable. Well my supervisor pulls me aside and says “you know I hate confrontation and it makes me really uncomfortable to have to do this” and then proceeds to say she wants to talk about my tardiness. she basically talked in circles and never just told me this is a verbal warning and you need to be here on time, instead she said things like “well what I wanna hear from you… is how I can help you so that you can be here on time” and stuff like that and I kept professionally and calmly saying, I totally understand and take responsibility, from now on I will continue to get here on time etc etc. But it's like she wouldn't accept that as an answer. I initially applied to a closer office, but that position was filled, so the company recommended me to apply for this further office. So, after talking in circles, I just said well I'll continue to try and get here right on time, however I do have to commute and I did initially apply for the closer office so perhaps I would be better suited there. Mind you this supervisor was literally late just two days prior. And this was after talking in circles for way longer than we needed to be. Well fast forward to now, I got COVID, and I've continued to test positive for today would be my 10th day as well as I still feel like crap.

Then my manager, the one above my supervisor accidentally sent me “Funny thing is the Friday before she called out we had a conversation with her about her tardies and she basically said if she get written up oh well and if she looses her job oh well. She said she his already doing her best to get to work and she cannot get up 15 min early. I was a loss for words!” Which I never said any of that what the hell! then silence, I could tell on her end she was prob panicking. I responded “Hi ***, not sure what the following messages were alluded to but honestly I find this distressing. I didn't intend on getting COVID and also I never said as quoted and it's stressful to read as I've been dealing with an illness.” She spam texted me and in those panic spams said “that message wasn't about you it was someone else with a different issue.” She totally doubled down and straight up lied, and not only that but my supervisor is totally misconstruing my words and making up BS. I would also like to add that my supervisor talks crap about my coworker when she's not here, and I'm sure she does the same about me when I'm not there. My coworker has had two separate meetings with my manager to complain about my sup, both times saying she didn't want to work there anymore bc of the way the sup is. The manager reassures her both times but now I realize my manager is just as fake as my sup.

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