
Potentially getting fired for a medical reason

Update: I forgot to add a vital piece of information. It is unsafe to drive after taking amitryptaline I received a message on my hotschedules today Ichillon Forums, The following Availability request has been Denied by J***** J***** Availability starting 11/7/22 Reason: ichillonforums – We hired you with an availability in which you could work opening shifts and closed shifts. Can you please provide what has changed medically, so that we can review our ability to make an accomodation. Regards, HotSchedules Support Now, to explain what happened. I work in an upscale restaurant. I like this job, I really do, and they pay me well, the work is easy and the people have been OK so far, with some few orange flags like this one. So, I'd like to salvage the relationship with my higher ups as much as possible, because they do pay me enough to deal with this…

Update: I forgot to add a vital piece of information. It is unsafe to drive after taking amitryptaline

I received a message on my hotschedules today

Ichillon Forums,

The following Availability request has been Denied by J***** J*****
Availability starting 11/7/22
Reason: ichillonforums – We hired you with an availability in which you could work opening shifts and closed shifts. Can you please provide what has changed medically, so that we can review our ability to make an accomodation.


HotSchedules Support

Now, to explain what happened. I work in an upscale restaurant. I like this job, I really do, and they pay me well, the work is easy and the people have been OK so far, with some few orange flags like this one. So, I'd like to salvage the relationship with my higher ups as much as possible, because they do pay me enough to deal with this shit. When I interviewed I told them I had open availability, which I did and said truthfully to the best of my knowledge because i was going to quit my nighttime amitryptaline for whatever job pays me as much as I'd like. Well, I've been at the job about 2 weeks now, and I'm remembering why my amitryptaline is so vital for me. I've been in chronic body pain which hurts my job performance, and I've been unable to sleep at night and going into work unrested and irritable because of it. When I go in on days that I've been able to take the ami, I IMPRESS people with my performance. So, I received this message after I requested to update my availability from completing open to from 6:30am to 9:30pm since it takes me about 45 minutes to get home. He denied my request because they have been wanting me to work midnights. When I attempted to update my availability, the reason I wrote in the optional field was just, “Medical”. I am embarrassed that something as small as amitriptyline is why, and I don't want to have to embarrass myself by saying that it's so I can take my multi-purpose antidepressant- it's an antidepressant, pain medication, and insomnia medication in one. It sounds so frivolous, and that's why I was going to attempt to quit for the right job. I'm unsure how to respond. I'm worried I'm in hot water already because I was told the pants I thrifted were not formal enough, which I thought were, but since this place is more upscale than what I'm used to, there's a socioeconomic barrier and discrepancy there. I'd love to be able to keep this job, as the reason I applied to an upscale place is because I knew they would be able to pay me enough for me to pay my bills, get my drywall and flooring repaired, you know basic life things that I've been struggling for. I made the mistake of cussing in front of a manager about the situation, not directed TOWARDS the other manager but just frustration at the situation itself, and ended up spending approximately 20 minutes crying and trying to hide and cry it, because I had been looking forward to finally paying my somewhat late carnote the whole 2 weeks I'd been there, and they hit me with the formal pants situation THE DAY BEFORE PAYDAY. Anyways, I just need advice, please help me salvage this relationship with my team members while being able to take care of myself (the ami).

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