
Boss wants me to work longer because someone else didn’t do their job.

A coworker was assigned a job today which is usually a job that I or another employee typically do (although this coworker is trained to do it). The entire day my boss had this employee doing many other things other than what they were assigned to do. Now my boss wants me to work extra hours on a day I'm already scheduled 8 hours so I can make up for what this coworker was supposed to have been doing in their working hours.

A coworker was assigned a job today which is usually a job that I or another employee typically do (although this coworker is trained to do it). The entire day my boss had this employee doing many other things other than what they were assigned to do. Now my boss wants me to work extra hours on a day I'm already scheduled 8 hours so I can make up for what this coworker was supposed to have been doing in their working hours.

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