
What is your time worth to be on-site working a schedule that makes you live around your work?

What is your time worth? Your raw time just for showing up on-site and being at a job for a standard 8 hour shift on a schedule set by the employer. Not accounting for any skill. It is a warm body job. In actual dollars, not 'a living wage' or 'what you think it is worth to you', which are useless answers I have already got in reply to comments. I want to know because antiwork posts say they want to work around their life rather than live around the work schedule. They want to say 'I am not available this weekend' and have that notice of absence honored in the schedule. (which is a thing I have never seen happen in any job I have ever worked). I want to know what it is worth in dollars to live around the work schedule. I want to know what the…

What is your time worth? Your raw time just for showing up on-site and being at a job for a standard 8 hour shift on a schedule set by the employer. Not accounting for any skill. It is a warm body job.

In actual dollars, not 'a living wage' or 'what you think it is worth to you', which are useless answers I have already got in reply to comments.

I want to know because antiwork posts say they want to work around their life rather than live around the work schedule. They want to say 'I am not available this weekend' and have that notice of absence honored in the schedule. (which is a thing I have never seen happen in any job I have ever worked). I want to know what it is worth in dollars to live around the work schedule. I want to know what the base-line is for time alone so that I can figure out what jobs should be paying for time + skills.

The job: You work in a widget factory. Your job makes no revenue. Something like parking lot security guard for employee cars by monitoring cameras at a desk in a climate controlled room. Needed but does not make profits. Easiest job I could think of that only requires time and no special skills or training that have any value besides the time.

The schedule: This is hard to explain but it is an actual schedule and rules I have worked and a schedule that I have made. Usually the same shift every day, one of 3 daily shifts. You might get a different shift once in awhile to cover some vacation days. Posted 1 week in advance covering 2 weeks. You can't be guaranteed any particular regular day off. To avoid claims of discrimination or favoritism, management will not let you request any desired regular days off, except as a vacation day requested 2 weeks in advance So if the wedding is on friday, you can't ask for your RDO to be friday because they will ignore the request. You get the schedule that you get. Number of people off at the same time for vacation is limited so vacation requests can be denied if other employees already took the open slots. You will work 3 out of 4 weekends. You will work 3 out of 4 holidays but paid double when you work. Trades are ok but you have to find your own coverage. OT is mandatory if your relief shift is late or does not show up. So you work 12-8am and your morning relief is late due to traffic, you must wait until they arrive or be terminated for abandoning the job. If they call out sick at the last minute, you have to stay a maximum of 2 hours.

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