
Hear me out; this sub is a psy-op but at the same time correct. We aren’t going to make it.

Inflation is wayyyy over 7.5%(only measured by CPI), gas prices insane, etc. The global elites are pushing for one world global currency which is very very bad for people who are not excessively wealthy. Many people in America, specifically those of my age, are not enthusiastic about working. The generation who raised us certainly get a serious boner for work. I mean my dad never drinks but one night he did and he said how much he hated his life because he worked the whole time. I drink all the fucking time but I remember that. He knows it’s bullshit yet tells me to go get a job (which I have been trying to) but doesn’t see his own life is shitty as fuck. Fuck working tbh I’d rather be poorer than shit than be a wage slave sucking someone’s cock. Do Uber or whatever that respects your time. This…

Inflation is wayyyy over 7.5%(only measured by CPI), gas prices insane, etc. The global elites are pushing for one world global currency which is very very bad for people who are not excessively wealthy.

Many people in America, specifically those of my age, are not enthusiastic about working. The generation who raised us certainly get a serious boner for work. I mean my dad never drinks but one night he did and he said how much he hated his life because he worked the whole time.

I drink all the fucking time but I remember that. He knows it’s bullshit yet tells me to go get a job (which I have been trying to) but doesn’t see his own life is shitty as fuck.

Fuck working tbh I’d rather be poorer than shit than be a wage slave sucking someone’s cock. Do Uber or whatever that respects your time.

This is a rant but fuck it I hate the idea of working over 60% of my life. How could you not?

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