
I left my retail management job in flames and now have a part time that pays as much as my previous salary

I just think this is hilarious. I was way overworked and underpaid at a southern ‘high end’ retail store. Right before I left, the ownership changed over to someone we all hate, who doesn’t live in that city, and no matter how much they offered me I wouldn’t stay because I just didn’t trust them. Well I left, and as soon as I did so did all of my employees. Within weeks the new owner had to rent an airBnB and come work full time at that store. And then the manager at the branch an hour away quit and her employees left as well. Not sure how the new owner is managing now as I’ve disengaged from them by all means, but I now have a job that makes the same as my salary with 2 days less a week and half the work. DONT SETTLE FOR LESS THAN…

I just think this is hilarious. I was way overworked and underpaid at a southern ‘high end’ retail store. Right before I left, the ownership changed over to someone we all hate, who doesn’t live in that city, and no matter how much they offered me I wouldn’t stay because I just didn’t trust them.

Well I left, and as soon as I did so did all of my employees. Within weeks the new owner had to rent an airBnB and come work full time at that store. And then the manager at the branch an hour away quit and her employees left as well. Not sure how the new owner is managing now as I’ve disengaged from them by all means, but I now have a job that makes the same as my salary with 2 days less a week and half the work.


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