
Plant keeps shutting down randomly, without warning.

My girlfriend works at a cotton plant (and I used to), that PRIDES itself on “Its great schedule” which is… working the employees to death one week (five days of 12 hours shifts, with common mandatory overtime) and then only two days the next week. “BuT yOu gET HaF Of EvERy WeEk OFf” Yeah, after suffering absolute hell, sometimes working 16 hour shifts… and working three times as many machines because almost everyone quit. Well, now they have absolutely hit rock bottom. two times in the last couple months they shut down for a week with 2-days warning, at best. Now they've decided on FRIDAY to let them know that Sunday night they are shutting down for TWO WEEKS, and that they are probably doing it again right before Christmas. So yeah, RIP everyone that relied on that job for rent. or food. Wish us good luck guys. :

My girlfriend works at a cotton plant (and I used to), that PRIDES itself on “Its great schedule” which is… working the employees to death one week (five days of 12 hours shifts, with common mandatory overtime) and then only two days the next week. “BuT yOu gET HaF Of EvERy WeEk OFf” Yeah, after suffering absolute hell, sometimes working 16 hour shifts… and working three times as many machines because almost everyone quit.

Well, now they have absolutely hit rock bottom. two times in the last couple months they shut down for a week with 2-days warning, at best.

Now they've decided on FRIDAY to let them know that Sunday night they are shutting down for TWO WEEKS, and that they are probably doing it again right before Christmas.

So yeah, RIP everyone that relied on that job for rent. or food. Wish us good luck guys. :

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