
Rant: list your pay range!!!

I just need to vent. I’ve been helping my husband look for a new job for the past year. At least half of the job posting I look through don’t list a pay range. I know it’s because they “want people interested in the job and not the money”…. blah, blah, blah… I know it’s usually because the pay for that job is too low. But it’s just so incredibly frustrating! Why should he waste his time on their stupid application if he doesn’t even know if they pay enough?! They want his resume and all his information, but they won’t even share all of theirs! That’s all, rant over. tl/dr – super frustrated by the amount of job posting that don’t say what they pay.

I just need to vent. I’ve been helping my husband look for a new job for the past year. At least half of the job posting I look through don’t list a pay range. I know it’s because they “want people interested in the job and not the money”…. blah, blah, blah… I know it’s usually because the pay for that job is too low. But it’s just so incredibly frustrating! Why should he waste his time on their stupid application if he doesn’t even know if they pay enough?! They want his resume and all his information, but they won’t even share all of theirs! That’s all, rant over.

tl/dr – super frustrated by the amount of job posting that don’t say what they pay.

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