
I don’t want to go above and beyond anymore

I used to love my job. I thought it was diffrent. My boss and I worked our asses off with our skeleton staff during covid (hotel). But we got along great and he was an amazing manager. my boss got promoted and is no longer in food and beverage. We just opened a second tower for our hotel and I got completely skipped over for the supervisor position. Never even got to interview even though my old boss put in a word for me. My schedule got changed from me leaving at 8pm, and instead they have me leaving at 10pm/ 12am which doesn't work because I take the bus home. No one talks to us, my new manager quit and the assistant manager is just plain mean to everyone. She switched my schedule from 9pm, to leaving at 12am without telling me. I told her I'm done doing…

I used to love my job. I thought it was diffrent. My boss and I worked our asses off with our skeleton staff during covid (hotel). But we got along great and he was an amazing manager. my boss got promoted and is no longer in food and beverage. We just opened a second tower for our hotel and I got completely skipped over for the supervisor position. Never even got to interview even though my old boss put in a word for me. My schedule got changed from me leaving at 8pm, and instead they have me leaving at 10pm/ 12am which doesn't work because I take the bus home. No one talks to us, my new manager quit and the assistant manager is just plain mean to everyone. She switched my schedule from 9pm, to leaving at 12am without telling me. I told her I'm done doing all this extra stuff and staying late. I got passed over, I have no voice, I'm talked down to. I used to stay 1 1/2 to 2 hours extra every shift with my old boss to help out. And would jump departments to help out. I loved helping out before, but I also felt like a valued part of the team before. But I'm done and I told her. She was not happy lol.

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