
Hi. How exactly would anti work’s philosophy work?

So I think I'm just like most people in this aspect, that I wouldn't like to be overworked and live a life but obviously a lot of us at some point have to go to work in order to survive. But… assuming that anti work's (this subreddit) philosophy could be implemented. How would it work? Would it be like Andrew Yang's universal income? Would it be a mixed socialist and capitalist system? And how would we maintain the services that people under capitalism enjoy while maintaining the health and sanity of workers?

So I think I'm just like most people in this aspect, that I wouldn't like to be overworked and live a life but obviously a lot of us at some point have to go to work in order to survive. But… assuming that anti work's (this subreddit) philosophy could be implemented. How would it work? Would it be like Andrew Yang's universal income? Would it be a mixed socialist and capitalist system? And how would we maintain the services that people under capitalism enjoy while maintaining the health and sanity of workers?

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