
executives who don’t produce real work are the dead weight, not underpaid laborers.

I've had too many jobs where half the executive team sit around talking most of the day, offering minimal direction and help to the employees doing the work that gets them paid. I moved into an executive role recently and I'm disgusted. I still work, grunt hard labor work, and I do my executive processing while getting shit done. The others on the Executive team sit in offices discussing how others should work. Not saying there's not value to the thought and direction that goes into a company. But your true product/service producers are the only reason you make money. Step up and get real work done. Do you really think sitting in a room discussing and directing other people's work is with 2-3-4x the real workers wage? I call bs.

I've had too many jobs where half the executive team sit around talking most of the day, offering minimal direction and help to the employees doing the work that gets them paid. I moved into an executive role recently and I'm disgusted. I still work, grunt hard labor work, and I do my executive processing while getting shit done. The others on the Executive team sit in offices discussing how others should work. Not saying there's not value to the thought and direction that goes into a company. But your true product/service producers are the only reason you make money. Step up and get real work done. Do you really think sitting in a room discussing and directing other people's work is with 2-3-4x the real workers wage? I call bs.

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