
I thought we were equal, what are High-value people?

Doesn't it seem like there's an imbalance now? A confusion of what actually matters, like society doesn't know anymore? Since I was a kid I had a feeling where despite if I hate a person or think they're weaker than me – I thought of them as equal. Partly cause I was taught to believe so from every source of ancient wisdom there was available to me. But also, because I just felt it in my gut, a type of innate human value we all have that supersedes reality itself. Like, I hear about it everywhere, high-value men or high-value women. People assigning each other to a value system. But not only that – the value system doesn't seem to be based on actual merit. Or a persons ability to turn negative into positive. Not based on any tangible contribution to society, but rather a popularity contest. Like highschool, we'll…

Doesn't it seem like there's an imbalance now? A confusion of what actually matters, like society doesn't know anymore? Since I was a kid I had a feeling where despite if I hate a person or think they're weaker than me – I thought of them as equal. Partly cause I was taught to believe so from every source of ancient wisdom there was available to me. But also, because I just felt it in my gut, a type of innate human value we all have that supersedes reality itself.

Like, I hear about it everywhere, high-value men or high-value women. People assigning each other to a value system. But not only that – the value system doesn't seem to be based on actual merit. Or a persons ability to turn negative into positive. Not based on any tangible contribution to society, but rather a popularity contest. Like highschool, we'll overlook the nerd who could cure cancer, to look at the hot bimb like Kim Kardashian.

Does Kim deserve it? And people like her, who'll do anything for a bit of fame and fortune? Is it indicative of us as a society that HER story is what is left behind in history? I think so, I think it's bad thing that she is successful, it sets a powerful precedent. It's funny how we value capitalism.

We like it when someone earns more than us by being a goddamn hero.

We hate it when someone earns more than us by being a goddamn bimbo.

If you got rich by making all of us a bit richer – no one would complain. But if you got richer by diverting the funds for all, to the funds of a very few – people complain. Like I got a metaphor for that.

Imagine instead of money, we all drank from the same long never-ending river. But then someone became more successful than you in terms of water amount by creating a blockage in the river. That's not success, it's betrayal. It's not high-value, it's actually lower than low-value. I don't think a person is automatically successful having lots of money or children. It just teaches us a very cruel fact of nature that some immoral beings exist their entire lives without paying for it, instead we pay for their sins. Through inflation and damage to the social fabric people like Mark Zuckerberg or Kim Kardashian cause.

Anyway, what do you guys in antiwork think? I'm not so much antiwork as I am just confused as to why work is valued the way it is. Seems backwards. I see the value in hierarchies and stuff, I'm confused as to how ours got to the state it's in and am hoping for insight.

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