
I need a raise and this seems like bs to me

So I currently make about 16 an hour because that was the maxed out pay for my position. About two months into the job the company raises the maxed out pay for seasonal employees (they work about it 4 months out of the year just for extra help) to 16 an hour! Now they did not get the full 16 but returning employees got close to it. Now about a year later my company does reviews on the assistants for their raises, I’ve recently learned a guy I worked with same positive makes 17 and some change, I confronted my district manager about it. I told him I want to make what he is making, and he said it’s different because of the pay range when you were hired on. So I said so potentially speaking if I quit and came back I could make more and without saying yes,…

So I currently make about 16 an hour because that was the maxed out pay for my position. About two months into the job the company raises the maxed out pay for seasonal employees (they work about it 4 months out of the year just for extra help) to 16 an hour! Now they did not get the full 16 but returning employees got close to it. Now about a year later my company does reviews on the assistants for their raises, I’ve recently learned a guy I worked with same positive makes 17 and some change, I confronted my district manager about it. I told him I want to make what he is making, and he said it’s different because of the pay range when you were hired on. So I said so potentially speaking if I quit and came back I could make more and without saying yes, he said yes. This seems like such bullshit to me, I need advice thought because I love my job, we’re a big company I’d rather love my job and make less than mindlessly stack shelves for more (no offense if that’s your job)

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