
A little rant/ discouraged at job-seeking: If good employees are “so hard to find” and people “dOnT wAnT tO wOrK” then why are so many of us forced to work in such shitty, dead end toxic work environments?! I just want to have a job that doesn’t suck the life out of me and pay pennies….

Im a fast learner, & dammit, a hard fucking worker at that just wants to have a non-toxic work environment!! Im tired of all the dumb office politics & fake, manipulative coworkers who cause drama just to watch the dominoes fall… & the micro- managers that don’t do what they say they’re going to. Why is it so hard to find companies who pay their employees what they’re worth and appreciate hard work?? They have to be out there, but the long tedious task of weeding out all the shit job postings to find something worth applying for is sooo exhausting! I just want a fulfilling job that gets it, ya know? That appreciates that I give my all & also still acknowledges that we’re all human too…. I thought Id found some place that could offer that, but in reality it was all a bunch of lies and careful…

Im a fast learner, & dammit, a hard fucking worker at that just wants to have a non-toxic work environment!! Im tired of all the dumb office politics & fake, manipulative coworkers who cause drama just to watch the dominoes fall… & the micro- managers that don’t do what they say they’re going to.

Why is it so hard to find companies who pay their employees what they’re worth and appreciate hard work?? They have to be out there, but the long tedious task of weeding out all the shit job postings to find something worth applying for is sooo exhausting! I just want a fulfilling job that gets it, ya know? That appreciates that I give my all & also still acknowledges that we’re all human too…. I thought Id found some place that could offer that, but in reality it was all a bunch of lies and careful manipulation of everyone who works there. And now Im back to square one, seeking out yet another “fresh start.”

Just so tired of not finding a place that I can see myself making a difference in while fulfilling my financial obligations. Thanks for listening, I know Im not alone, here.

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