
The thing about toxic work cultures

Is that you need to be proactive in dealing with them. Do not place all your eggs in one basket when it comes to employment. Anything could happen on any day for any reason. One day you'll be the superstar, the next you'll be thrown out eg Twitter. Build connections, make friends. For me, I've always worked a second job as a “just in case” measure. Sure, it means I'm basically working 5, 6 or even 7 days a week, but nothing beats good job security and two streams of income. If we accept that toxic work cultures are inevitable, I feel it is our responsibility to rise above it and take steps to protect ourselves. The hardest thing to do is to break out of a bad environment. But for those who have recently left their previous workplaces, I feel that going forward the best advice is to keep…

Is that you need to be proactive in dealing with them. Do not place all your eggs in one basket when it comes to employment. Anything could happen on any day for any reason. One day you'll be the superstar, the next you'll be thrown out eg Twitter. Build connections, make friends. For me, I've always worked a second job as a “just in case” measure. Sure, it means I'm basically working 5, 6 or even 7 days a week, but nothing beats good job security and two streams of income.

If we accept that toxic work cultures are inevitable, I feel it is our responsibility to rise above it and take steps to protect ourselves. The hardest thing to do is to break out of a bad environment. But for those who have recently left their previous workplaces, I feel that going forward the best advice is to keep your options open, be ready to leave the moment you see the red light and be agile and nimble.

I know this sounds like cynical, but humans are emotional, social creatures. In my career I have seen fantastic employees who have been bullied out by middle and upper management. I have seen CEOs and Team Leads who have been fired. Your job is not as safe as you think it is. If it isn't working, you are the one with the power to address the issue. Complaining about toxic workplaces to your supervisors, managers, leadership will usually backfire on you. I have never seen a situation where this has resulted in the desired outcome or change.

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