
Covid positive and company won’t let me use my sick time

I was already pre-approved to have this week off work for vacation. Well, on Saturday I started to get symptoms, and I tested positive on Sunday. Today I contacted my place of employment and let them know that I was positive for Covid and gave them proof of such. I asked if I could use my sick time for this week instead and reschedule my vacation seeing as how my plans got ruined and being sick with Covid isn't exactly a vacation. They denied my request and said that since my vacation was already approved, that they would be using my vacation hours for this week. I'm guessing this is some sort of company policy so that people don't try to get out of using their accrued vacation time by suddenly claiming they are sick. I get it, but come on. I gave them proof that I am actually sick,…

I was already pre-approved to have this week off work for vacation. Well, on Saturday I started to get symptoms, and I tested positive on Sunday. Today I contacted my place of employment and let them know that I was positive for Covid and gave them proof of such. I asked if I could use my sick time for this week instead and reschedule my vacation seeing as how my plans got ruined and being sick with Covid isn't exactly a vacation. They denied my request and said that since my vacation was already approved, that they would be using my vacation hours for this week.

I'm guessing this is some sort of company policy so that people don't try to get out of using their accrued vacation time by suddenly claiming they are sick. I get it, but come on. I gave them proof that I am actually sick, and not just sick but sick with Covid. Not only that, but I contracted the virus at their company. (I know that for a fact as I have not been anywhere else or around anyone other than coworkers in the last month).

It just infuriates me that I caught this stupid virus by showing up and doing my job, and they won't even pay me with the sick time I've earned. I mean, at least I'm still getting paid. I am thankful for that. However, now my vacation time is wasted and that was all the vacation time I had so I can't even reschedule my vacation for a do-over. I really hate the way companies like this operate. Trust me, I'm going to remember this when I go back in a week. Also, I usually never call out sick unless I actually am sick, but I'm thinking some fake sick days are in my future.

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