
So my “acting director” left my position open when I was away on medical leave. Now I have no job and I’m hoping I can take action to retaliate.

So here's what happened. I had to go to the hospital for a five day stay for hemiplegic migraines just so they know I'm stabilized and okayed to return to work. While I was waiting to be administered for over several hours, my “acting director” (she is a hiring manager honestly but gets sent place to place to have stations running at bare minimum) was sending me text messages along the lines of “I should have heard back from you by now”, “Why is it taking so long”, and “Because of you being gone I now have to work 16 hour shifts”. When I finally knew I was being administered and returned her messages, she was once again saying the same stuff in a berating if not belittling tone. I've told her I can't control my health when it declines and I'm certainly not in control of the schedule she…

So here's what happened. I had to go to the hospital for a five day stay for hemiplegic migraines just so they know I'm stabilized and okayed to return to work.

While I was waiting to be administered for over several hours, my “acting director” (she is a hiring manager honestly but gets sent place to place to have stations running at bare minimum) was sending me text messages along the lines of “I should have heard back from you by now”, “Why is it taking so long”, and “Because of you being gone I now have to work 16 hour shifts”.

When I finally knew I was being administered and returned her messages, she was once again saying the same stuff in a berating if not belittling tone. I've told her I can't control my health when it declines and I'm certainly not in control of the schedule she poorly wrote up. Which brought me to telling her off about my schedule (being put for 12 hour shifts on two consecutive days, unable to honor end of shift time due to bus schedules). She complained that I was making it difficult to schedule me due to my “requests” (originally asked for less hours temporarily while I handle legal and state paperwork for my loved one who has struggled to understand it and get it done in a timely fashion, otherwise she knew I took the bus and the schedule ends at certain hours for weekdays, weekends, and holidays when I was hired and I would let whoever is the new project director know I can return to my regular schedule, something I didn't predict would take more than a few months ((which turns out it was less cuz I'm just about done, so yeah))) in which I told her the solution would be simple to solve if we hired more people.

Apparently that wasn't the solution to her but everyone at the property we work at knows we need more people (for a month it was myself, the previous project director, and a third nighter who ran the property by ourselves).

What ended up being the kicker is her making it clear how “difficult” I made it for her by not having a driver's license

When the original posting and cold call I got was for mobile and foot positions

In which three to five times maximum I have told her and a combination of two other people I have no license or car and I rely on buses for transportation

Which they okayed, until orientation after I was hired where they sorta chastised me for not being able to drive “but made an exception for me”.

In which I had enough and told her off, that ever since orientation I have not been respected and that I know my value (considering our contract holders including a general and operations manager and even a vice president commended my hard work, ethics, and attention to detail) and if company was not gonna respect that, then I can just get transfered to another location for actually solid working hour schedule and pay that reflects what is expected of contract (no driving position, just working a gate).

She ended sounded “offended, but would respect my decision if that is what I wanted”…to then ask me a few days later when I'm coming back to the property.

Assistant Director apparently got an understanding of the situation and sided with me, saying once she left and an actual Property Director was hired they'd work on getting me back in a better position.

That is until over a week later of dealing with third party bs for my leave (state healthcare covered everything so I don't know why I even need to bother doing this when before I came back to regular work when my muscle was torn from exhaustion) taking forever that I figured I'd just go around the paperwork and just let Assistant Director know I can come back.

No answer. Try again. No answer. At this point I just go to the property office to see what's up and he tells me the bad news.

For some godforsaken reason, my position was opened for employment (when “acting director” knew I was released and waiting to be put back on the schedule)

So now I'm wondering if I can take legal action for retaliation/termination of employment due to medical reasons. Basically if I can rake this corporate twat over the coals, I will take it.

Whatever I can do to fight the system and get justice.

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