
Manager left me in the middle of training, haven’t heard back, unsure if I even have a job (Vent)

So this is an ongoing situation, on Friday I went in to start my training at my new job, Wendy's. After about two hours of being there, sitting on a Chromebook going through the videos and online quizzes, I overheard my new manager talking about how she was thinking of leaving an hour or more early that day. And she did, I watched her leave. I spent 4 and a half hours on my “first” day without a break, without my manager or even a supervisor checking up on me. It got to a point where one of the cooks getting ready to leave his shift noticed me still sitting there, and asked me how I was doing and why I was still even there. The cook called the current supervisor over so that he could be aware of the situation. I maybe had less than 20 minutes left to…

So this is an ongoing situation, on Friday I went in to start my training at my new job, Wendy's. After about two hours of being there, sitting on a Chromebook going through the videos and online quizzes, I overheard my new manager talking about how she was thinking of leaving an hour or more early that day. And she did, I watched her leave.

I spent 4 and a half hours on my “first” day without a break, without my manager or even a supervisor checking up on me. It got to a point where one of the cooks getting ready to leave his shift noticed me still sitting there, and asked me how I was doing and why I was still even there. The cook called the current supervisor over so that he could be aware of the situation. I maybe had less than 20 minutes left to complete the training courses, I would've been more than fine finishing it up, the bigger fact of the matter was that I was forgotten about, and I didn't get a proper break. I didn't even eat that day. I was told to go home, and that I would even get a free meal. Naturally, I didn't get the free meal because the line of customers in the drive thru and in the building was obviously more important than the fact that a new employee was neglected on her first day. I went home hungry that night.

Saturday, I attempted to follow up by giving a call to not only try to schedule a day to finish my training, but also to wonder what the hell even happened that day. The manager, naturally, wasn't in Saturday. Whoever answered the phone didn't even bother to tell me their name, so the most I was able to do was give my name, number, and a simple message of “What is going on? Please get back to me.”

Now it's Monday, I haven't heard a single thing from this new job, and obviously I'm pissed off. I'm more frustrated than anything else. I haven't worked in two years, mainly due to the pandemic, and this is how I try to get back into the workforce. Seriously, what the fuck? Everywhere I'm constantly hearing about how “people don't want to work”, “there are all these job openings!”, yet here I am willing to do what I need to do and nobody wants to reciprocate that. I already invested in work shoes and pants for this job because I need the job, yet here I am being left on read, with money I cannot get back from said investments.

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