
what have been the best services for helping you find a job and improving your resume?

Thanks to this reddit, I've realized I genuinely want to quit my job Ive listed list why below. How have people transitioned from one position to another? Have you used a resume or career counseling session? If so, how much was it and was it effective? -stole credit from me for a $6 million cost savings initiative (that's a low estimate on just fees alone). -refused to let me take PTO (have to work during PTO) -0 mentorship or development from my managers -inconsistent leadership -no positive reinforcement from work despite taking on the worst clients at the highest metrics. -stole committee I had to run solo since my first month I started. -negative feedback over the top. I get it in meetings, writing, and in emails despite being told I take criticism well and adapt from it -forced to work in person for an entirely remote position – I'm…

Thanks to this reddit, I've realized I genuinely want to quit my job Ive listed list why below.

How have people transitioned from one position to another? Have you used a resume or career counseling session? If so, how much was it and was it effective?

-stole credit from me for a $6 million cost savings initiative (that's a low estimate on just fees alone).
-refused to let me take PTO (have to work during PTO)
-0 mentorship or development from my managers
-inconsistent leadership
-no positive reinforcement from work despite taking on the worst clients at the highest metrics.
-stole committee I had to run solo since my first month I started.
-negative feedback over the top. I get it in meetings, writing, and in emails despite being told I take criticism well and adapt from it
-forced to work in person for an entirely remote position
– I'm the lowest paid person at my level
– inconsistent feedback, told to say no to things, but also not to say no to things.

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