
Is this something I can report?

Dont even know if this is the right sub but here it is. I recently started a new office job, and there is a coworker known as “fat fucker” who honestly is beginning to make me uncomfortable as hell. It seems every time I use the restroom (which can be pretty frequent do to my IBS-D) he comes in right after and proceeds to stand outside of the shitter, facing the door, and starts making odd noises like heavy breathing, grunting, and throat clearing. I'm at the point where I don't even feel comfortable using the restroom here cause the dude honestly creeps me the hell out

Dont even know if this is the right sub but here it is. I recently started a new office job, and there is a coworker known as “fat fucker” who honestly is beginning to make me uncomfortable as hell. It seems every time I use the restroom (which can be pretty frequent do to my IBS-D) he comes in right after and proceeds to stand outside of the shitter, facing the door, and starts making odd noises like heavy breathing, grunting, and throat clearing. I'm at the point where I don't even feel comfortable using the restroom here cause the dude honestly creeps me the hell out

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